Marko Pavček, 1958-1979

Tone Pavček, 1928-2011 (location 66B/9/10)

Marko Pavček, 1958-1979

Student of Slavic studies, comparative linguistics and dramaturgy, poet, author of the collection Z vsako pesmijo me je manj (There is less of me with every poem), which was published post mortem.

Also in this grave:

Tone Pavček, 1928-2011

Attention, his original name is Anton – also on the grave!

Tone Pavček was born on 29 September 1928 in Šentjurij pri Mirni Peči, where he lived until the age of 16. He attended the first grade of the primary school in his home town, but the following year he was transferred to the boarding school run by nuns in Ljubljana. He completed the classic grammar school in Ljubljana, and after the graduation enrolled to the Faculty of Law, where he graduated in 1954, but he never pursued any legal profession. In addition to writing, Pavček was also very active in other areas. In the period between 1955–1957 he worked as a journalist for the newspapers Ljubljanski dnevnik (Ljubljana Daily) and Ljudska pravica (The People's Right), and then he worked as a journalist and editor at RTV Ljubljana until 1972. In the period between 1963 and 1967, he was the director of the Youth Theatre Ljubljana. From 1972 until his retirement in 1990, he was the editor in chief of the Cankarjeva založb publishing house, and he was the president of theSlovene Writers' Association from 1979 to 1983.

In the period between 1986–1990, he was a member of the Slovenian assembly, and in 1989 he read the May Declaration at the mass gathering at the Kongresni trg square in Ljubljana. In 1996 he was appointed by UNICEF as one of its ambassadors. From 2001 until his death he was a member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. He was a frequent guest at numerous literary evenings, reading badges and various cultural meetings. Being a passionate refošk grape grower, Pavček also received the title Knight of Wine. In 1953, together with Kovič, Menart and Zlobec, he published the collection Pesmi štirih (The Poems of the Four). He established himself in the Slovenian post-war literature as the representative of intimism. His poetry mainly stresses the love of his native region Dolenjska, while also dedicating a large portion of his work to his children, Marko and Saša Pavček.

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