Lojze Kovačič

1928-2004 (location 62A/14/12+13)

Writer with a vast, predominantly autobiographical opus, the author of short stories Ljubljanske razglednice (Postcards from Ljubljana), Ključi mesta (Keys to the City), Sporočila iz sna in budnosti (Messages in Dreams and Waking), novels Deček in smrt (A Boy and Death), Resničnost (Reality), Prišleki (The Newcomers), Basel, Kristalni čas (Crystal Time), Otroške stvari (Things of Childhood), and others, also a youth literature writer, author of puppet plays, dramaturge of the Puppet Theatre, mentor at literary and puppet workshops in Pionirski dom in Ljubljana; regular member of SAZU, winner of the Prešeren Fund Award, the Župančič award (twice), the Prešeren award and the Kresnik award for literature (twice, the second one post mortem).

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