The Slovene Early Modernism period
Drago Kette, Josip Murn, Ivan Cankar, Oton Župančič (location 10A/12-14/10-12)
Drago Kette, 1876-1899
Writer of the Slovene Early Modernism period, a mature lyricist, who despite his youth created an ample poetic opus, including several sonnet cycles, although he never lived to see his fist collection; it was published in 1990 by Anton Ašker under title Poezije (Poems).
Josip Murn, 1879-1901
Writer of the Slovene Early Modernism period, one of the purest lyricists, author of lyrical and mood poetry as well as of the so-called rural poems; the collection Pesmi in romance (Poems and romances) was issued after his death by dr. Ivan Prijatelj.
Ivan Cankar, 1876-1918
Poet, writer, playwright and critic, the most prolific and stylistically the most self-discovered representative of the Slovene Early Modernism period; his Zbrani spisi (Collected Writings), which were edited by Izidor Cankar, France Koblar and France Dobrovoljc, comprise 21 books, whereas Zbrano delo (Collected Work), edited by Anton Ocvirk, France Bernik and others, comprises 30 books.
Oton Župančič, 1878-1949
Poet, playwright, the longest living representative of the Slovene Early Modernism period and the central personality of the literary activity until his death, the author of 10 children’s collections, also a dramaturge and manager of SNG Drama in Ljubljana, an excellent translator of Shakespeare and Moliere; a regular member of (S)AZU, doctor honoris causa Universitatis Labacensis.
The tombstone for Kette, Murn and Cankar was ordered and paid by Milena Rohrmannova, who arranged a joint grave of the representatives of the Slovene Early Modernism period in 1923. The tombstone was designed by Dušan Grabrijan in the Plečnik school, it was erected in 1925. Župančič’s headstone, designed by the poet’s son, the architect Marko Župančič, was revealed in June 1955.