Ravnikar Franc, sculptor

Symbol: Hands, which hold hammer and chisel
Hands from bronze, which holding a hammer and chisel are the symbol of professional sculptor, who played a prominent role in the organization of artistic life in Maribor. Ravnikar Franc, the sculptor, is also important as a drawing teacher at the Maribor real gymnasium. The symbol on his grave also telling us story of profession, which in past, especially during the period of the late Baroque, given city of Maribor important mark.
Some elements of the Maribor St. John Baptist Cathedral, as statue of St. Catherine, late Gothic statue of Mary and artfully sculpted tombstones on external church walls testify, that in Maribor since the 14th century operating skilful sculptors. At the end of the 17th and in early 18th century, important sculpture workshop Schoy-Reiss specializes in so-called golden altars, take care about artistic needs of the city. Maribor sculpture reached the first peak few decades later. During the Baroque in Maribor lived and created two important sculptors, Joseph Holzinger and Joseph Straub from the famous sculptural family from Württenberg. Their works represent the peak of the late Baroque in Slovenia. Plague monument on the main square in the city is a magnificent reminder of the tragic plague epidemic, which in 1680 halved the number of citizens. This work of sculptor Straub is distinguished by established details in composition and expressive gestures of figures. Famous period was followed by an anonymous, in terms of sculptural works retrospective 19th century, with reminiscences of Classicism, Gothic and Renaissance.
Second peak of sculptural creativity in the city represents times after the First World War, when leading role in the development of sculpture take Slovene citizens. Then in Maribor settled sculptor Franc Ravnikar, graduate in the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. He became teacher of drawing in Maribor real gymnasium. In year 1920, young teacher joins the club Ivan Grohar, where assumes a prominent role in the organization of local and visiting art exhibitions. Club dissipated in year 1919, due to internal tensions. Two years later Ravnikar join the new club Brazda, where he works as an experienced event organizer and exhibits as sculptor. At first club exhibition Ravnikar presents several works, which also appear on subsequent exhibitions of the club. His plans were stopped by World War II. Shortly after the occupation Ravnikar was, as proud Slovene deported in Serbia, and his assets seized by authorities. In 1945 he returned to ruined Maribor in order to do his best in the revival of city artistic scene. Last years of his life he worked as member in newly formed Society of Maribor Artists. From his opus had survived a few portraits and funeral sculptures, including professional symbol of bronze, which decorates his grave.
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