Main objectives

Preserve. Promote. Raise awarness. Educate.
Preserve. Promote. Raise awarness. Educate.

Cemeteries route is managed by the Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe and thus follows many of the same objectives. The specific purpose of the route is the focus on the tourism aspect and promotional projects to cultural tourists. Nevertheless all objectives described further are important to follow for all the participating members:

  • Promote the significant cemetery heritage for its artistic and historic value.
  • Bring public and private awareness to an irreplaceable and highly important heritage for the European cultural movement.
  • Drive cultural tourism by offering new spaces.
  • Establish new vehicles of collaboration among European countries and regions and help the cohesion of the territory with a common project which offers a new transnational experience through a cross-border European route.
  • Encourage restoration of cemetery landscape.
  • Provide an itinerary that not only offers a route to visit but a tool for knowledge and continued research.
  • Be the starting point for other initiatives of study and promotion, such as, congresses, expositions, etc., and training and awareness-raising activities.
  • Promote education in schools, incorporating the Route to their ordinary cultural visits in a dynamic and pedagogic manner.