Fiumei Road Cemetery

Fiumei Road Cemetery contains one of Hungary’s largest collections of statues, and its 56-hectare, arboretum-like landscaped area has avenues harbouring 10 species of trees and 110 different birds.

Fiumei Road Cemetery that opened in 1849 as the public cemetery of Pest is the only cemetery to be a national memorial in its entirety, an open-air history book of modern-day Hungary in which one will find traces of the Age of Dualism, national development, communism, the 1848-49 War of Independence and 1956 Revolution, as well as the democratic multi-party system.

Among the greats of Hungarian culture, Béni Egressy, who set the ‘Summons’ (Szózat) to music, was first to be buried here, in 1851, while the coffin of Mihály Vörösmarty, author of the Summons, was carried here attended by a vast crowd in 1855.

The mausoleums of Count Lajos Batthyány, Ferenc Deák and Lajos Kossuth transformed the cemetery into a national place of worship, where the impressive Apponyi funerary coach also reminds us of the final respects paid to the immortals of the nation.

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