First European Cemeteries route info point

Installed at Pobrežje cemetery in Maribor, Slovenia.
Installed at Pobrežje cemetery in Maribor, Slovenia.

Pogrebno podjetje Maribor placed two new information points at the Cemetery Pobrežje and Cemetery Dobrava. These are the first info points of European Cemeteries Route.

Info point features

At the information screen users can read the details about the European Cemeteries Route and get to know the interesting routes and points at different European cemeteries that are part of the project. In this manner visitors of Maribor cemeteries can now experience over 70 other cemeteries with over 800 monuments from around Europe.

Info point at your cemetery

Any European Cemeteries route member can create their own info point. Programmers can use special data interface (API) and integrate European Cemeteries route into your existing information points, apps, websites or other solutions.

If you need further help in this, check out our help section.