International congress: "Heritage, a shared responsibility"

From 9 to 11 November 2023, Cementiris de Barcelona participated in the international congress in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
From 9 to 11 November 2023, Cementiris de Barcelona participated in the international congress in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

About the event

From 9 to 11 November 2023, an international congress on the topic “Heritage, a shared responsibility” took place in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. The event was organised by Hispania Nostra, part of Europa Nostra.

Under the slogan “Patrimonio somos todos” (“We are all heritage”), this congress sought to reflect on the protection and knowledge of cultural heritage. It focused on how cultural heritage can be used in a search for diversity and multiculturalism, a defence of democracy, a place of collective memory and personal reflection, and a defence of fundamental rights. Debates about these objectives were tied to the use of new technologies, and the importance of including the general public in the maintenance of cultural heritage.

Representing European Cemeteries Route

The representative of Cementiris de Barcelona, Adrià Terol, participated in a debate with the President of ICOMS Argentina, the General Secretary of AEPJ and the General Director of Cultura for the OEI. The debate focused on how European culture routes can be a source of social and economic development, as well as their effects on civil society.

Our spokesperson’s role was to represent the European Cemeteries Route, part of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe. With Barcelona Cemeteries as an example of how cemeteries are a part of a city’s heritage, Terol explained what activities are put on offer to the public or to research and education institutions, and how these activities help to create a better dialogue between cemeteries and the heritage they hold and the general public. There was also a focus on links to Ibero-american heritage routes, and how Ibero-american and European heritage tie into one another.

The congress was a good way to present our work, at both a local and international level, to a wider public, and to gain new contacts. The congress was covered by various media outlets.