SunCemet photo exhibition

Any walk among the significant cemeteries of Europe reveals it. The unexpected touches of humanity. Fragile and emotional, yet strong and rational.
Any walk among the significant cemeteries of Europe reveals it. The unexpected touches of humanity. Fragile and emotional, yet strong and rational.

Each day, even through the thickest clouds of gray, our brightest star shines on them. Touching the memories, written in the stones. Warming the curves of art with the colors of sincerity. Catching light in the moment of unique peacefulness speaks its own story about the European cemeteries. It is what the Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe wanted to explore in this new photo exhibition.

On this digital journey the light sparkling through European cemeteries was captured in some exceptional photos. More than 50 authors from 16 countries shared the sun beams with us. With a vivid palette of sun colors they are discovering the memories of life. 

You are kindly invited to view the SunCemet photo exhibition.