About the cemetery

San Froilán’s a local cemetery in Lugo. It is relatively modern (from 1948), although retains from construction of the previous local cemetery, after its closure, was transferred to this.
Although neither its size nor its historic-artistic heritage as situated at the same level as the great European necropolis, however, it is not possible to classify it as a common cemetery: harmonious distribution, its unique location and strategic, the beauty of its tombs, cemeteries and memorials that largely have been transferred from the old local cemetery, make that our cemetery acquires a great interest for both the city and its visitors.

As a curiosity we can indicate that it is built on a megalithic necropolis, preserving in their vicinity three mounds or tumili, still unexcavated. It was built by the architect Eloy Maquieira, one of the main representatives of the rationalist architecture in Galicia, leaving traces of this style in the rationality essentials of its distribution. It has a surface of 61.000 m2, surrounded by 1 Km of stone wall, which today it would have to add the extended area with a total of 55.730 m2 and the general services.

The funerary constructions gives its unique character. Many of them, from the old municipal cemetery from which they were transferred, date in the middle of the 19th century, such as García Abad’s Pantheon, Canon of the Cathedral of Lugo, later beatified, which was financed through a popular collection. It is an architectural building that responds to the example of French funeral architecture with its counterpart in the cemetery of Bordeaux. In its set predominates the proportion, good taste and the success on the
combination of decorative elements originating from various styles and epochs.

Also in the year 1863 data one of the most emblematic pantheons of our cemetery, neo-Gothic style, built at the end of the reign of Isabel II by an emigrant family that upon his return, invested in this way their savings from the new world.

One of the important monuments that are available is the so-called cross of repatriated soldiers (1898), erected in tribute to the Spanish soldiers who participated in the Spanish-Cuba war and straggling returnees to die at Spain. This construction saves a obvious parallel with other similar funeral constructions such as the
monument to the martyrs of Carral (A Coruña) or the funeral cross in the cemetery of Dullins (Rhône-France).

And we cannot also stop talking about the multiple architectural elements installed in the tombs, dotted around the cemetery of numerous points of interest and give its cultural wealth and its unique character, in some cases highlighting the thoroughness of the work in significant details as a rosary, a crown of flowers, the naivety of childhood, in others the grandeur, in others the antiquity or the creativity of sculptors and stone masons.

In this sense, also stresses the abundance in the whole enclosure of angels, in its various manifestations,
demanding silence, announcing his trumpet the final judgment or expressing desolation and pain, infusing at
the same time peace and hope to the grief that accompanies the death.

We cannot forget the latest apect of San Froilan’s Municipal Cemetery, reflected in the new zone,
enlarged in 1998, and which has come to give the note of modernity. There it has been hosting to current trends oriented towards incineration, enabling a specific space for the deposit of ashes in a secular environment calling the devotion and the meditation. It is the so-called “Xardín das Lembranzas” or remembrance garden chaired by the MEMORANDUM, pyramid that represents a candle in the wind which
reflecs the passing of life.

Apart from the cultural and architectural richness that encloses this cemetery, is the charm and intimacy that breathe in it. In fact, they have not been in vain the efforts made in the last years that have been directed to splash the grounds of small intimate details, aimed to capture the sensitivity of its visitors in order to achieve a change in its conceptualization by increasing their acceptance and integration in social life, making it a place of peace and reunion to remember historical memory, individual, collective, and endless stories, fed by emotions, pain, hope, and resignation that accompany each one of them and that there are treasured.
The installation of poems, phrases of hope that lots among the flowers and shrubs, constitute the so-called "peace points", where visitors manage to harmonize their feelings and achieve inner calm necessary to overcome the loss of their loved ones and reunite with his immediate history.

It also contributes the celebration of concerts of classical music and poetry recitals by such a good response among the population. Guided historical tours since the year 2010 are being carried out in the area and that have been launched in the last year, also have contributed to expand and to introduce a new concept of cemetery, more integrated in society, in full competition with the dark and tragic connotation that historically have turned away it from society.

Cemetery San Froilan
Municipal Office, 197 (ground floor)

Telephone: 982 297 320
E-mail: 010@concellodelugo.org
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