Schools on cemeteries

They learn and they teach. Schools at cemeteries are one of the best ways to preserve and promote cultural heritage.
They learn and they teach. Schools at cemeteries are one of the best ways to preserve and promote cultural heritage.

Why schools?

Schools require various cultural programmes to help youth learn about the society and culture. And cemeteries can offer an unexpected yet powerful experience.

Future of cemeteries depends on the attitude that these children will develop. Experiencing cemeteries as cultural heritage of their city may change their perspective and they will be more keen to support the preservation and other relevant projects.

Goals of Schools on cemeteries project

  • produce useful materials for schools programmes
  • construct general programme guidelines / model
  • certify and expose best practices
  • promote best teachers and kids who perform outstanding work

Cemeteries are attractive when presented in the right context

One of the moments when you start working with schools and want to prepare your first activity is the question of "how to make it really attractive for young people"? Of course there are not easy answers and it all depends on the specifics of the kids and cemetery.

Yet there are many possible angles. And one that prooved to be very effective is presenting cemetery as a social network.