Help with mobile guide

How to work with mobile guide ARTOUR in Cemeteries route?
How to work with mobile guide ARTOUR in Cemeteries route?

ARTOUR is easy to use and contains many advanced features that all the members of route can use as Community users of the app.

Full help on the platform is available here.

Your account and access

Upon registration each new member of the route receives user name and password to login at ARTOUR.

In case you did not receive it, please send an email to It might have been sent to another email within your organization that was used at registration point.

Edit once: updates everywhere

At the registration your cemetery is automatically added to the route and you will see it appearing in the cemeteries route website and in ARTOUR mobile app.

All the changes you do in ARTOUR will automatically appear at:

How to add/edit your cemetery and points

1. Check video instructions on how easy it is to edit the content, add points of interest (monuments) at the ARTOUR website.

2. Check video instructions on how to add your selected guides to Symbols project

3. Add any new guides in the same way to the Cemeteries route project

Check more extensive help here.

Language versions

It is useful to create different language versions of your guides for various visitors. As for example english guide for foreign visitors and guide in your local language for locals.

This is important not just because of the language but as well because of having different points available for them.

Local visitors may find it interesting to discover some more unknown graves and monuments as they will find them new and unexpected. They might as well try to find which important monuments are near to the graves of their families.

On the other hand foreign visitors may want to just visit the top 10 points since their visiting time is limited.

In order to create a new language version of your guide you should follow the instructions provided at this link.

Extra features

As community users, you have extra features enabled:

How to inform your visitors

mobile guide posterTo make it simple we have prepared a poster template that you can use for informing your visitors about mobile guide. From this file your designers can create flyers or other materials as well depending on your local specifics (language, promotional strategy,...).

After you add points to ARTOUR, you can as well download automated leaflet of your guide.