Case study: develop language and theme routes

Use mobile guide for creating various routes.
Use mobile guide for creating various routes.

Our cemeteries are interesting for various public, like musicians, wars researchers, architects or others.

Cemeteries are visited by foreign tourists, as well as locals and scholars.

It is therefore important to create more guides through cemeteries to fit specific public needs.

General guide in 2 languages

This is an example in Maribor, where several guides are available. A general route of important points is available in 2 languages:

It is important to understand that the routes are not the same in both languages. For foreign visitors, much more explanation about the cemetery, town history or other information may be relevant. For locals there may be some points of interest they find important.

War memorials route

At the Pobrežje cemetery in Maribor there are several war memorials sights related to events of World war 1 and 2. It may be interesting for visitors to visit only those memorials since their ancestors are somehow related to the wars in this region.

For this reason we have created a War memories at Pobrežje cemetery guide.

Routes at Dobrava cemetery

Pogrebno podjetje Maribor (Funeral and cemetery services company Maribor) is responsible for another important cemetery, Dobrava. As it is much younger cemetery with various regions, locals still do not thoroughly understand all the details. That's why we have created a route with general overview of the cemetery.

There are as well important people and monuments at the cemetery for which we have created another guide.

Symbols at Pobrežje cemetery

During the Symbols project we have identified various monuments with interesting symbols. We have gathered this into a route of Symbols at Pobrežje cemetery.

Next: important musicians at Pobrežje cemetery?

Depending on the further developments of our research and projects we will try to identify important monuments by meaningful groups. We will try to include students of music or art to help us achieving this task and make it worthy for our visitors.