Symposium 2017, Ljubljana: Digital technologies

Join us for 2 days and participate with your questions or comments in Ljubljana Hotel Trend Austria from April 6-7.
Join us for 2 days and participate with your questions or comments in Ljubljana Hotel Trend Austria from April 6-7.

Preserving heritage and tradition while opening cemeteries to various new technologies and tourists is a constant struggle of management across European cemeteries. In recent years we have worked on developing mobile guiding platform as well as on many other digital communication solutions.

Technological progress continues and new technologies like Virtual Reality and Artificial Inteligence will influence our work in future. While using the tools may be easy, proper managing of cemeteries resources requires more knowledge and understanding.

To help members in these tasks we have prepared a sympossium which will deeply develop understanding ot these technologies and as well cover many other related topics like marketing and communications.

Join us for 2 days and participate with your questions or comments in Ljubljana, Trend hotel Austria on April 6 - 7. symposium is co-organised by ASCE members: Pogrebno podjetje Maribor and ŽALE.

You can register at this form

Participation is free for up to 2 persons per European Cemeteries Route member.

Program of the symposium

April 6

09:30 Registration

10:00 Welcome

  • Lidija Pliberšek, ASCE president and director of Pogrebno podjetje Maribor
  • Zoran Janković, Mayor of the City of Ljubljana
  • Robert Martinčič, director of ŽALE Ljubljana

10:15 Špela Spanžel : Representative of the Ministry of Culture of Slovenia to the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: Connecting European heritage through space and time

Cooperation and joint projects are contributing significantly to developments on local, regional and European level. Understanding our role as members of European cemeteries route within Cultural routes of Europe may help us achieve even more interesting results in the future.

10:30 Dušan Vrban: Emerging digital technologies: change & preservation

Technologies that are emerging may seem a threat or we can embrace them to win the hearts of our visitors. Within the talk we will explore the possibilities and understanding of our role in the digital world.

10:45 Miran Drgajner: Presentation of grave search at Žale cemetery

While grave searching may already be a very common solution, we can still find a lot to improve. Learning about this subject from most experienced professionals will for sure bring new insights for future.

11:00 Boštjan Burger: Accessibility to the monuments with the Virtual Reality at Žale cemetery

360 degrees photos exists for years but the latest technology developments in 360 videos and VR technology is just taking the experience to a completely new level. We will learn about opportunities awaiting for us in future presentations of cultural heritage resting in cemeteries.

11:15 Coffee break

11:30 Dušan Vrban: Cemeteries route digital resources

Members of European Cemeteries route have many options to easily build content, points and guides for the visitors. In this session we will go deep into:

  • using ARTOUR website and mobile app (login, add points, guides, audio recordings and much more)
  • Route website and connection to ARTOUR
  • marketing materials and how to use them

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Robert Martinčič, director of ŽALE Ljubljana: Guided visit of Žale cemetery

15:00 Practice: Test research project of Žale cemetery

19:00 Walk through old city center and dinner at Ljubljana castle

April 7

10:00 Practice: Using the knowledge in your cemetery

11:30 Coffee break

12:00 Practice: Using the knowledge in your cemetery

  • how to create your own themed project?
  • how to involve schools into themed projects?

14:00 Symposium end and free time for visiting Ljubljana

Required personal equipment for the symposium: Please bring with you a computer and smart mobile phone (with Android or iOS operating system)


You can register at this form