Tomb of the scholar Adamantios Korais (1748-1833)

Funerary Stele of large dimensions with a flowered crown. Sculptors: Georgios Vroutos (1843-1909) and Frangiskos Malakates (1825-1914)

Adamantios Korais (Smyrna, April 27, 1748 - Paris, April 6, 1833) is one of the most important representatives of the modern Greek Enlightenment, with a deep knowledge of Greek culture. He is mentioned, among others, as a pioneer in the publication of works of ancient Greek literature, but also for his linguistic views in support of the purgatory, but in a moderate form, with the aim of clearing up most of the foreign words that existed in the language of the Greek people.
Korais lived and died in Paris. His tomb is located in the cemetery of Montparnasse, decorated with his portrait in marble. A few years after his death, his bones were transferred from Paris to Athens. For this reason the Municipality of Athens donated a special space in the First Cemetery for the erection of his burial monument. His remains were solemnly interred on April 8, 1877.
The monument is one of the largest in the cemetery. It is formed in the type of elevated semi-circular platform (exedra) and is ascended by a series of large steps. A monumental stele (column) rests in the centre of the platform on a solid pedestal inscribed by the name KORAIS. The stele is decorated with an anthemium (symbol of Greek antiquity) and a palm relief (symbol of honor and glory). On the front, the portrait of Adamantios Korai stands out in relief in a medal and is decorated with a rich floral garland. Two remarkable Greek sphinx sculptures stand on either side of the monument. They bear the inscription: Γ.ΒΡΟΥΤΟΣ ΕΠΟΙΕΙ/1876 (made by G. Vroutos / 1876). Georgios Vroutos was not the only sculptor of the monument. Many of the project's marble works were commissioned to the famous sculptor Frangiscos Malakates.
The type of the monument (semi-circular platform, decorated with sphinxes) comes from the monument of Michael Tositza, located almost opposite the church of St.Lazarus.

City of Athens, Department of Cultural Heritage, 2022

@ text: Katerina Tsatoucha. Georgia Antonopoulou

@ photos: Victoria Kaisari

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