European Cemeteries Route Entries

Raising the visibility of the route.
Raising the visibility of the route.

Exposing the European Cemeteries Route visibility is important for everyone. By arranging information plates and materials at cemetery entries we are achieving multiple goals on raising awareness about:

  • cultural heritage in cemeteries
  • cemeteries as tourist points
  • existence of the route and other interesting cemeteries
  • European values

How to?

Entry to the cemetery is very much dependent on its architecture and specifics. Yet some most common approaches are as follows:

  • installing an insignia (info plate) at all entries to the cemetery
  • installing some larger information plates at main entries to the cemetery which explain the cemetery and European Cemeteries route
  • installing digital information screens at main entries or points at the cemetery
  • printing and distributing various marketing materials at main offices of the cemetery

Usage rights and help

Members of the route can use and modify all marketing materials available at the website according to the materials usage instructions. All materials are available in various digital formats to help your designers or print-shops easily modify them and adapt to your needs.

If you require any further help you may contact us at