Poklicni simboli na pokopališču Pobrežje

Simboli, zanimivi kot znaki stroke in zaradi pomena za mesto Maribor

Ta tematska pot sledi poklicnim vizualnim simbolom. Izbrali smo simbole tistih poklicev, ki so odigrali vidno vlogo pri razvoju mesta Maribor in bogatili njegov kulturni utrip.

To so gotovo železničar, arhitekt, pravnik, pesnik in pisatelj, zgodovinar, ing. strojništva, mizar, kovač, znanstvenik in čebelar, dirigent, enolog, kipar, telovadec-olimpijec in slikar. Našteti poklici in njihovi simboli so postavljeni v kontekst določenega zgodovinskega obdobja mesta in predstavljeni iz vidika vloge, ki so jo odigrali pri razvoju le-tega.

V tem okvirju se nam skozi potep razkrivajoosebne zgodbe pokojnikov ter njihov prispevek mestu in svetu.

You can download a custom leaflet of this Route with up to 3 points of interest from it. Click the download button bellow and then choose up to 3 points you wish to include in the leaflet, we advise you to choose 3, and then click "Start downloading". In the window that will show up you will choose the location of the place from where you want the map on the leaflet to guide to your cemetery and click "Download" . If you wish to include just the location of your cemetery, click "Download without location" before you set any location on the map, the system already has the location of the cemetery in it. For detailed instructions with pictures click here.

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drag marker or search to change point location
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