2019: Growing and achieving more together

10 years are passing by since the beginning of our route.
10 years are passing by since the beginning of our route.
Dušan Vrban
Route manager

Over 1.400 points of interests in 117 guides in 8 languages are available at our website, mobile app and info points. We perform hundreds of guided walks and events each year, attracting vast number of visitors.

So many mysterious stories, secret details, painful and joyful memories were unveiled. Yet so many more are waiting to be discovered and told about.

Let's just move this wonderful route even further, shall we?

Join the projects that suit you

From Schools on cemeteries to local guides and cultural crossroads, several projects are ready for your participation. And each month we will unveil more details about them.

But first, let's focus on/images/temp/sm-/book-grass-letters-5833.jpg


We all have so many amazing stories to share. Either about love or professional passion, famous or ordinary people, they are the fluid that connects our cultures.

This is why we decided to gather these stories and promote them in various channels. On our website, social media channels and soon in printed version.

Make sure your cemetery stories get the appropriate attention of our visitors. Send us one of your stories a year and we will publish and promote it. It may even end up in our MyStöries project.

Use the new marketing materials

There are new posters, flyers, brochures and postcards available in our marketing materials section. Download and print what suits your space and place. Let the visitors know there is an exciting network of European cultural heritage that consists of over 1400 points of interest.

Follow us and share our digital channels

Our database of newsletter subscribers is growing. Tourists interested in cemeteries are following us on Instagram and Facebook.

Share our channels in your digital world - a logo on website helps, but even more if you share our posts on social media or invite your followers to follow us.

Thank you for working on our mission

As Ioanna Paraskevopoulou wonderfully wrote, "That is indeed what cemeteries are about: spaces to celebrate the uniqueness of human existence."

You, dear European Cemeteries Route members, make this celebration possible. Thank You!