2020: a journey of slow-down exploring

There we go, European Cemeteries Route is heading for teen-age. Just small enough to be cute and adorable while big enough to have its own stand in today’s velocity times?
There we go, European Cemeteries Route is heading for teen-age. Just small enough to be cute and adorable while big enough to have its own stand in today’s velocity times?

Peacefulness, silence and pure beauty of slowing down at cemeteries may in fact be the distinctive treasure we know too well, exploit too little. Because as obvious as this feeling is within us, cemeteries fans, so hidden it is to many beyond.

So let’s just make this late new year’s post what it is. An invitation to explore the slow down at cemeteries. As Ioanna once expressed, explore the silence that inspires discourse.

And what are the inspirations we expect on this journey in 2020?

Bus Tour of Croatia cemeteries

Just around the corner is the start of the first ever European Cemeteries Tour. Visiting the most impressive cemeteries in Croatia will be accompanied by a rich cultural program, accommodation and gastronomy. A unique cemeteries fans pack for promotional 239€ only.

AGM in Milano

Few months and a summer vacation later, we head for AGM in Milano. A splendid program is prepared with premiere play at Monumentale Milano. Top gala dinner, scientific presentations and all the creativity Italy has to offer.

Let’s talk more stories

Among those 2 most important events of the year at the European cemeteries, we continue with our efforts on stories, working with schools, local guides, entries, WDEC and Symbols.

While all of them are important, we are especially eager to read more of your stories. Send them to our email and we’ll integrate them into various projects we have in plan.

Let’s cooperate on Symbols

In previous years, you have expressed many ideas on how to improve the know-how about the symbols in cemeteries.

An European-wide editorial development on structure and descriptions of the symbols is required, making it easier for all professionals to understand the complexity behind.

Want to join our efforts in doing so? Write an email and we’ll get you on board.

Share your posts with us

Keep up the good work on your promotion. Tag us and keep your posts in English so we can share them further.