
Miroslav Krleža (July 7th, 1893 Zagreb - November 29th 1981 Zagreb) was the most productive and versatile writer in the history of Croatian literature and the father of one of the most important Croatian cultural institutions - Leksikografski institut (the Lexicographic Institute).

He achieved the highest level of quality in all literary forms, and had dedicated a big part of his life to theatre. The peculiarities of his work are the rather obsessive themes of the intellectual faced with the dissolution of individual consciousness. Spears were broken around Krleža s life and work, from his ideological affiliation to his integration into the social system. He used to answer many questions and discussions about him by writing new works, such as "My Showdown with Them” and „The Dialectical Antibarbarus”. His biggest message may have been given in the modern “Ballads of Petrica Kerempuh”, as the lucid essays and diary entries make quite a current and lively reading even today, certainly worth reading.

Some of his most famous works are “The Glembays”, “The Croatian God Mars”, “The Return of Filip Latinovicz”, “The Agony”, “Kraljevo”, “Flags", “The Edge of Reason”, “Banquet in Chard,” etc. In accordance with his motto that whole life is a poem without point, his physical death did not signify his end. The peculiar man he was, he left the next generation an abundance of marginal notes, manuscripts that were sealed and allowed to be opened only 20 years after his death.

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